Become a pioneer and lead by example
Innovating to become a pioneer in impact governance
How can you become a pioneer in impact governance and commit to serving the future?
The sudden changes taking place in our world are prompting us to think about business with the general interest in mind, putting it at the service of nature and future generations. More and more entrepreneurs are taking part in this pioneering movement, placing the common good at the top of corporate decision-making.
Corporate ReGeneration is the main player enabling you to create a radically innovative and differentiating form of activist governance, contributing to an equitable and regenerative future. Our offering is designed for leaders who want to put our common future at the heart of decision-making processes and shareholding.
Executive Future
Give one or more seats to new stakeholders on your executive bodies.
Whether it's giving a voice to nature or future generations, whether it's on your management committee, supervisory board or mission committee, this innovation will enable you to increase your impact tangibly and lead the way in your sector.
Nature Shareholder
A ‘contribution in kind’ is generally rewarded with shares. But what if you could do the same for nature? By setting up a shareholder foundation, we can help you transfer part of your capital to nature.
This foundation will then receive dividends for the many services that nature provides, and may even take part in your company's strategic decisions.
Case study
Since 2024, we have been supporting Norsys in the design and deployment of an ambitious scheme to represent nature. In practical terms, nature has become a shareholder in the company through a foundation, which has voting rights on the Board of Directors and a right of veto over the company's strategic decisions.
Nature is also represented on the company's executive committees and in social dialogue bodies. A total of 8 nature representatives sit on the company's board, working together to reinforce Norsys' ecological strategy daily.
New Director
As it is not always easy to transform your capital structure, you can take other steps to add a new seat at the shareholders' table and fully represent nature and/or future generations.
Depending on the legal context of your company, this could be at the Board level or in other decision-making bodies. Together, we will explore the power you wish to give to this new kind of director.
Contact us
We have helped many companies become pioneers in impact governance.
Each project is unique, reflecting its own history and ambitions.
Let's talk about how, together, we can write a page in your history.